शनिवार, 3 जुलाई 2010

Interview by Comrade Azad, Spokesperson, Central Committee, CPI(Maoist),

[The following is an Interview of Comrade Azad, Spokesperson of the Central Committee,

CPI(Maoist), given to the Maoist Information Bulletin (MIB) on October 19, 2009. In this Interview,

Comrade Azad answers a whole range of questions dealing with the current centrally-planned

massive offensive against the Maoists and the counter plans of the Maoists, the question of state

violence and revolutionary counter-violence, the issue of Talks with the government, the real meaning

of Chidambaram’s campaign for recapturing territory from the Maoists, and several misconceptions

regarding: Maoist stand on development, on the charges of extortion, on recruitment of child soldiers,

on the beheading of Francis Induvar, and so on.]

Q: There is lot of talk about an unprecedented massive

military offensive due to begin anytime now. How will your Party

confront it?

Azad: The fact is, the unprecedented massive offensive has

already begun. In the Chintagufa area in Dantewada district almost

4000 police and central forces led by around 600 elite commandos of

the anti-Naxal CoBRA force had carried out their biggest-ever counterrevolutionary

operation called Operation Green Hunt in the third week

of September. Some media reporters described it as Operation Red

Hunt. Whatever is the name, it was the first major attempt by the

central and state forces to wrest a part of the territory from the hands

of the oppressed people led by the Maoists. This operation was a sort

of a rehearsal for the forthcoming centrally-planned country-wide

simultaneous offensive on all our guerrilla zones.

When the enemy attack took place near Singanamadugu village,

our forces present there were hardly 50 or 60 in number. But they

fought heroically, and successfully repulsed the attack by a superior

force, by totally relying on the people. It was the people who gave us

the information regarding each and every movement of the enemy

force. Hence our guerrillas could deal the first biggest blow to these

so-called CoBRAs who were specially trained in jungle warfare and

sent to wage an unjust war against the Maoist revolutionaries. Six of

their men including two assistant commandants—one from Manipur and another from UP—were

wiped out in the real battle. These brave CoBRAs demonstrated their heroism and courage by

murdering seven unarmed adivasi villagers, including two aged men and a woman, and burning four

villages. Not a single Maoist was killed contrary to the false claims of the police that 22 Maoists were

killed. Our forces chased them for about 10 kilometers. The people of the entire area stood with us in

this counter-attack on the thugs sent by Manmohan-Chidambaram’s khadi gang at the Centre and

Raman Singh’s saffron gang in Chhattisgarh. This heroic resistance by a handful of Maoist

guerrillas underscores the superiority of the tactics of guerrilla war and the massive mass

support enjoyed by the Maoists. It demonstrates the ability of our Maoist guerrillas to confront

and defeat a numerically far superior enemy force equipped with all the sophisticated

weaponry, aerial support and what not, by relying on the sea of people in which we swim like


In the second week of October once again Chidambaram’s men unleashed another massive

offensive by amassing 10,000 men in Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra with MI 17 choppers

surveying the area from the skies. It was as if an army from an enemy country was waging war on the

Indian people. In the face of it our forces had successfully carried out a massive political campaign

against the farce of the Assembly elections that were held on October 13 in Maharashtra.

● ● ●

“All our plans, policies,

strategy and tactics will

be based entirely on the

active involvement of the

vast masses of people in

this war of self-defence.

The enemy class cannot

decimate us without

decimating the entire

population in the regions

we control. And if it dares

to go into an all-out war

of extermination of the

tribal population the

entire socio-politico

scene in India will

undergo a fundamental

shift and will witness a

radical realignment of

class forcE
Here I shall not go into the concrete details of our precise tactics to confront and defeat the

unprecedented, massive, brazen offensive on the most oppressed people being unleashed by the

Indian ruling classes on behalf of the imperialists and the comprador big business houses. I can only

confidently say one thing for the present: All our plans, policies, strategy and tactics will be based

entirely on the active involvement of the vast masses of people in this war of self-defence. The

enemy class cannot decimate us without decimating the entire population in the regions we

control. And if it dares to go into an all-out war of extermination of the tribal population the

entire socio-politico scene in India will undergo a fundamental shift and will witness a radical

realignment of class forces. All peace-loving, democratic, patriotic, secular forces, all the

downtrodden sections of the society will polarize into one pole while the most reactionary, anti-people,

authoritarian, traitorous, jingoist counter-revolutionary forces will end up at the opposite pole. Such a

polarization is bound to take place as the war advances and the enemy’s mercenary forces attempt to

turn central and eastern India into a graveyard. The war-mongers will be isolated and will face

unprecedented social and political crises. However, on behalf of our Party, PLGA, revolutionary mass

organisations and organs of people’s democratic power, I can assure the people of our country that

with their support, direct as well as indirect, we shall deal crushing blows on the enemy’s mercenary

forces and defeat their plans to hand over these regions to the international and domestic bandicoots.

Q: But your forces had killed around 20 policemen, most of them C-60 commandos, in

Laheri in Gadchiroli district on the eve of the elections in Maharashtra. Is it not due to

incidents like this which is provoking the government to deploy huge forces in these areas?

Azad: No, no. It is the other way round. It is because of

the indescribable atrocities perpetrated by the speciallytrained

anti-Naxal forces that we are compelled to carry out

such attacks. If they do not harass the poor, unarmed

adivasi population; if they do not arrest, torture, murder

them, and rape their women; if they do not engage in

destroying the property, burn villages and crops of the

adivasis, if they do not indulge in cold-blooded murders

of abducted Maoists and declare them dead in socalled

encounters, then why will our forces undertake

such attacks? How can this be a provocation? You know

who the C-60 commandos are? They are specifically formed

as an elite anti-Naxal force whose one and only task is

to kill Naxalites and Naxal sympathisers. If no Naxalite

is found they pounce on hapless adivasi villagers, arrest

them, torture them, and murder them. And adivasi women

have become their objects of rape. You might have heard

of the heart-chilling story of a 13- year-old girl from Pavarvel

village in Dhanora tehsil who was gang-raped by 5 or 6

commandos led by the notorious Munnasingh Thakur in

March this year. Or the case of the gang-rape and murder of

52-year-old Mynabai from Kosimi village by several policemen

in Gyarapatti PS in the same Danora tehsil in May last

year. For the directors of this war on adivasis—Manmohan

Singh, Chidambaram, GK Pillai and others—the gang-rapes

of a 13-year-old girl or a 52-year- old woman are only

collateral damage in their larger war for capturing the region

to plunder its wealth. These rapists are immune from the

“rule of law” advocated by Chidambaram & Co. Even

after this poor little adivasi girl had identified Munna Singh

Thakur by name, you know! Notwithstanding such solid

evidence, the loud-speakers of the reactionary rulers—

Arnab Goswamys, Chandan Mitras and others—had never bothered to raise a voice against such

crimes against humanity perpetrated by these brutes. And what is worse, they even venture to

describe these rapists as “brave commandos”! So what these brave commandos are doing in

Dhanora tehsil is nothing but creating terror in the hearts of the people. That is why we wiped out

around 50 policemen, most of them C-60 commandos, in the past eight months since February.

No right-thinking citizen of this country would condemn these heroic offensives by our PLGA

against murderers and rapists in police uniform against whom no criminal case will ever be filed under

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