रविवार, 24 अप्रैल 2011

Developing the spirit of sportsmanship in children at school

BY    Sineen Qureshi

The best way to encourage children in sports, like anything else, make it fun!! I believes in taking a more important role in sporting the development of children. The best way to encourage children of today’s generation to play sports, is to expose them as early as possible, to as many possible sports and outdoor activities.
Sports & Games is not about X-box or I Pod’s. Sports can be individual or team oriented, and sports give children a chance to dream. Junior (kid’s) surfing contests, snowboarding, cricket, gymnastics, football, basketball etc . Expose children to as many different sports early, so they can try many before they zero down on which is their favorite spirits.
If you can ease the child’s efforts and focus on the enjoyment you can pretty much get them to do anything from eating cabbage to doing their homework. Especially in today’s day and age where children are prone to just sit inside and watch television or play computer games, according to Me, the government should get more involved and invest more money in getting young people fit and healthy.
Teachers play a very important role in encouraging the children. In the family for example, adults should play sport regularly, if kid’s see the older ones enjoying sport then they will be encouraged to do it as well. The most important thing however, is that parent’s should never sport dreams or preferences onto your children because that could discourage them. In the earlier times sports games were largely limited to cricket and football, depending on which teacher the schools has appointed. It is indeed a good scenario now and there are so many choices to make at badminton, gymnastics, golf, swimming, basketball, tennis, cricket or athletics etc.
Another alternative is that local schools with limited budgets can also offer sporting facilities to each other, thus enabling children access to a much wider sporting curriculum. If possible schools in India could also have their own choice of sports activities and even the least popular sports would then have enough support across several schools to make them viable.
Another interesting observation is that these kids who accompany one or both parents and other family members to ball games (like cricket or football), shuttle a lot of other games like badminton, hockey, gymnastics etc. Parental guidance and sports nurturing plays a great role in the children’s early development, enjoyment and future participation in sports.
Speaking about the good schools in India that have good financial backing with good direction and a balance between studies and sports . For every, good school present there must be dozens or more of average to poor schools, needless to say with poor or no sporting facilities. Sports to these kids are just dreams.
Then comes the government aided or even the lower end schools that cannot afford or simply do not have playing fields. Many very great sportsmen in out country came from these backgrounds.
In the long run
Me, feels that sports development should be a must across every school in the world, instead of spending billions of dollars on arms and weapons of mass destruction, and then spending more billions trying to eradicate terrorism.

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